Stella Feehily’s previous work includes Dreams of Violence (Soho), Catch (Royal Court), O Go My Man, Duck (both Out of Joint/Royal Court) and Game (Fishamble). She was a co-winner of the Susan Smith Blackburn Award in 2006 for O Go My Man.

“Immensely engaging and vibrant”
Financial Times on Duck

“A funny and painfully perceptive play”
Sunday Express on O Go My Man

“A modern tragicomedy…. Recommended”
Daily Telegraph on Dreams of Violence

Stella Feehily on Bang Bang Bang

“While researching a play (O go my Man) about a foreign correspondent, I became interested in the stories of humanitarian workers. I found blogs featuring crazy stuff like dodging the Taliban, wearing a burka to work and getting hammered that night in a Kabul nightclub. It became clear that the social life of a humanitarian wasn’t necessarily limited in a third world country- and  life ‘back home’ could be as complicated – if not more.

“We interviewed aid workers, doctors, human rights defenders, government advisers, journalists and photographers.  In many organizations we found the majority of humanitarians to be female. The industry – and it is an industry – is buoyed by the benevolence of women.

“Sadhbh – the human rights defender in Bang Bang Bang – sums it up:
“Go to Google and type ‘Humanitarian Worker’- you’ll find articles that include kidnapping, robbery, rape, shooting, murder. The threat to safety and security is real. Of course you want to make a difference but you don’t do this job for the recognition and you definitely don’t do it for the money. It’s serious stuff.”

Stella Feehily

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